Monday, April 23, 2012

Ethics and corruption ( What the Difference)

Ethics and corruption may come across as two different subjects but the truth is the somewhat coexists. Ethics deals with the actions of man, so mans actions can cause good or corruption within a society. When it comes to ethics it can be hard to pin point its full meaning. To most people today if you asked them what ethics mean to them they would have different response. I have heard some say that ethics has to do with them feeling telling them right from wrong. For those who are in a religion they would say that it has to do with the religious beliefs. For those who have a more legal approach have said that it’s being ethical in doing what the law requires.
The one that I've heard the most is that ethics is doing what’s right in society. The problem with this is that some societies may do something that is right in their eyes but ethically wrong.  In any society, most people accept standards that are, in fact, ethical. But standards of behavior in society can deviate from what is ethical. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Nazi Germany is a good example of a morally corrupt society.
So overall, corruption can be caused when man makes unethical decisions. Deciding what is unethical is the problem that we have to pin point today. The decisions we make today will have an effect on us later on. So there is a difference between the meaning of ethics and corruption, but they do coexist in some form.